Dan Foppe, President

Dan has been in the structural pest control business for 35 years. After working with several knowledgeable inspectors, Dan opened D&R Termite Inspections, Inc in 1997.  Dan is successful in his business because he goes beyond expectations in service.  His personal interest in making sure that everything goes well in all stages of the transaction, keeps clients coming back again and again.  He is a 33 year member of the Pest Control Operators of California: Vintage Coastal District, having served as chairman, treasurer, and director.
About us...

Termite Inspection Services, Inc.
Rene' Foppe, Office Manager

Dan and Rene' (D&R) work together to make D&R Termite Inspection, Inc. a success.  Rene' manages the administrative functions of the corporation.  When you call our office, Rene will advise you on our services and work to schedule a convenient appointment for you.